Global / User Metrics FAQs
  Check it, to view comparison chart (global v/s user) daily trend.    Check it, to view past 60 days global daily trend. 
Metrics Day - 2 Day - 1 Daily trend Previous month average Month to date average Monthly trend Report time
Global successful departures 61% 60% Daily Global Departures 61% 52% Monthly Global Departures 27DEC24 05:00
Global successful notifications 58% 58% Daily Global Notifications 60% 53% Monthly Global Notifications 27DEC24 05:00
Global cycle time in days 3.5 4.5 Daily Global Cycle Time 4.6 3.9 Monthly Global Cycle Time 27DEC24 05:00
Global throughput (# shipments) 465 658 Daily Global Throughput 1,165 1,078 Monthly Global Throughput 27DEC24 05:00
Global work in progress (# shipments) 7,969 7,434 Daily Global Work in progress 8,244 8,347 Monthly Global Work in progress 27DEC24 05:00

User null has zero metric setup.

TOTAL NUMBER OF METRIC SETUP (15) CT (3)  |DEP (3)  |WIP (3)  |NFD (3)  |TP (3)  ]