Shipment Tracker FAQs
Cargo2000 Milestones
  Booking BKD(M)
  Create RouteMap
  Creation of MAWB FWB(M)
  Latest Arrival Time LAT(M)
  Freight Checked in at Departure Airline RCS(M)
  Goods confirmed on Board Flight DEP(M)
  Freight Arrival at Destination Airport ARR(O)
  Freight Acceptance at Destination Airport RCF(M)
  Documents Delivery to Forwarder AWD(O)
  Freight & Docs ready for Forwarder Pick Up NFD(M)
  Freight Delivery to Forwarder DLV(O)

Note :Please enter your 8 digit Air Waybill to track your shipments milestone status.(M:Mandatory,O:Optional)